This website offers interested parties access to search for status on California trustee sales conducted by Barrett Daffin Frappier Treder & Weiss, LLP.
California Trustee
Barrett Daffin Frappier Treder & Weiss, LLP
4004 Belt Line Road, Suite 100
Addison, TX 75001
Homeowners assistance (866) 795-1852
Automated sales (833) 561-0243

Established 1990
By using website, you agree to the following Terms of Service.
While Barrett Daffin Frappier Treder & Weiss, LLP has attempted to make the information on this site as accurate as possible, the information on this site is provided in good faith without any express or implied warranty. Sale information is subject to change and is provided solely as a courtesy and without liability or recourse. Barrett Daffin Frappier Treder & Weiss, LLP does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned by use of the information contained on the site. All access and use is at the risk of the user.
If you are considering bidding on a property lien, you should understand the risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee sale does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you receive clear title to the property. The Trustee makes no covenants or warranties of condition of title. Thus, you are encouraged to investigate all aspects of title including existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on a property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on a property.
The official record of any sale postponement is the public declaration given at the time and place last appointed for the sale. You should attend the sale to verify current status.
Barrett Daffin Frappier Treder & Weiss, LLP reserves the right to discontinue providing the information at any time without notice and to impose limitations on access. Individual users are responsible for any charges that their use may incur.